Friday, January 4, 2019

What I'm Loving Volume II

Hello all! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season! January is typically one of my least favorite months because I’m coming off of my most favorite four months of the year (September through December, I’m a sucker for Fall and the Winter holidays!). This year, I’m doing my best to find the joy in the winter season once the holidays are over. I’m about two years late to this lifestyle fad, but it’s helping me to embrace the joys of winter. BIG TIME. It’s hygge!

As I mentioned in my very hygge-inspired Swedish Almond Cake recipe, I’ve become obsessed with the Danish concept of hygge. Hygge is a word they use to describe a general feeling of contentment and coziness. You can feel hygge when you’re surrounded by soft lighting, under a warm blanket, snuggled up with pets or loved ones and enjoying a favorite hobby. That’s hygge!

I am officially embracing hygge and loving it. I’m creating a hygge winter by surrounding myself with candles, replacing my lightbulbs with softer warm white lights, making a commitment to bake and cook more (especially with my crock pot), and decorating for winter, rather than skipping straight to spring one I took my holiday decoration down.

To help me on my hygge journey, I’m listening to audiobooks, checking out hygge-inspired craft books, burning my candles like crazy, and investing time in my interior design to ensure that as I’m tucked up at home throughout winter my eyes have beautiful places to rest wherever they land. To me, that’s hygge.

Below is a collection of what I've been loving recently, that's either teaching me about or helping my hygge and enjoy this winter season!

1.) The Little Book of Hygge - I've been listening to this on audiobook and it is EVERYTHING. It's a quick book and a short audiobook, only 3ish hours long, but every word is like a warm hug.

2.) Mercury Glass Candle Holder - It's hard to hygge without candles! I have owned this mercury glass candle holder for a few years now and love it. I enjoy it most when it's filled with a big old 3 wick pillar from homegoods. So hygge!

3.) Making Winter Hygge - Filled with recipes and craft projects, it's filled with so many idea for how to hygge!

4.) Grande Bouquet Wall Plaque - It's something I've done instictually with decor but it's importance was put into words by the Little Book of Hygge; texture is so important when making a space feel cozy. Living in a room filled with metal and glass feels very different from living in a room filled with fabric, wood, ceramic, wool, and other interesting textures. I've been coveting this wall piece for a while now, I'm thinking it would add some super-hygge texture over the TV in my bedroom!

5.) Elise Candle Sconce - Circling back to candles, one of hygge's finest treasures, I've been loving having two of these candle sconces flanking the tv in my living room. I look forward to lighting candles on these every night after work!

6.) Calligraphy Made Easy - My husband bought me this book along with some calligraphy pens for Christmas. I've been loving my new, very hygge hobby!

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