Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Our Wedding: Getting Ready

Hey there lovelies!

In honor of finally getting all of our wedding photos back, I'm starting a new series here on the blog to recap our wedding day! Before my own wedding I loved spooking on the choices and details other people had in their wedding as it gave me so much inspiration for my own. I'm hoping to inspire, as well as just share the joy of my own wedding day with you all by recapping the day's events!

First up, I'm talking about getting ready! Everyone tells you to leave more time than you think you need for hair and makeup, that it will take twice as long as you expect. Somehow that was completely true for me. Even though we started at 11am aiming to be ready for a 3:15 first look with my husband, I ended up running late!

I wish I had more pictures of the hours we spend doing hair and makeup, but my photographer arrived only at the very tail end of that part of the day, but she did get a couple of good ones as I was having my body airbrushed (lol, but anything in the name of bridal beauty!).

One component of my gift to my bridesmaids was our getting ready outfit, which was a chambray button down (button downs or robes are the best attire when you're getting your hair done so you don't ruin it when you take it off!) which were personalized with each of their monograms! I loved mine especially because I used my new married monogram, KHJ! The thread used to embroider was white (for the bride!) and the thread on my bridesmaid's shirts were light pink. I love the way we all looked in these together!

During this part of the day, I refused to put on my dress until I had the photographer take this picture of it hanging on a wall of vintage suitcases that is in the lobby of the hotel we were getting ready in. This was such a risky venture (the guys were getting ready there too!) but it went off perfectly (no sneak peaks for my husband!) and the pictures are completely worth it!

Finally it was time to get into my dress for the first look! This was the only time in the whole morning when I slightly lost my nerve, I knew we were running late for the first look which meant we were eating into precious bridal portrait time (something so important to me, and something that I knew was being threatened even further by the possibility of rain). But I did my best to keep it together and not rush the people helping me during this part of the day.

Once I was all dressed up, it was time for a series of "first looks!" I had a first look with my dad, my bridesmaids, and of course my husband. Look out for recaps and photos of each of those in my next post in this series!

I hope you enjoyed this first peek into our wedding day! Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' so you never miss a post! 

With Love, Katie.

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