Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Home Tour 2016

Happy Holidays Lovelies!

We're past Christmas and right in the middle of Hanukkah at my house, so I wanted to sneak in this tour of my holiday decor before the season is fully behind us! This whole year my interior design aesthetic has been leaning toward fresh and minimal (at least minimal for me), and my Christmas decor was no different. I bought very little this year and pulled out about half of the decorations I had in storage, but I absolutely love the look!

A highlight for me this year is my Christmas Tree decorated mainly with vintage Shiny Brite baubles! I picked these up throughout the year as I've been scouring antique shops for the milk glass collection I'm growing for my wedding. The pastel blues and pinks of the vintage ornaments just totally worked!

I also found a way to work a few pieces of my milk glass in on my bookcase. I filled my milk glass with some craft moss and pinecones, and I couldn't be more thrilled with the look. My sister in law called my decor rustic glam this season, and I can't think of a better complement! I feel like my bookcase totally embodies that look.

I chose white bedding this season with a faux fur (a Christmas present from a friend!) and plaid blanket added for texture. My bedside table stacked with magazines and books reflects my new resolution for 2017, reading print materials (rather than my iphone) before bed!

I love my abstract prints behind my bedroom dresser, but I had the most trouble styling these colorful print for winter! I played around with this look throughout the season, but finally settled on some modern looking trees and hurricanes to complement the playful look!

I hope you've enjoyed this little holiday tour through my apartment! Happy New Year!

With Love, Katie