Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Decor In Review: Christmas 2014

Hello again internet!

It has been a gooood long while since I've worked on this blog. To make a very long, winding story short, 2014 was a roller coaster ride that consisted of a new job, quitting said new job, moving to a new city, going back to school, and finally being accepted into my dream occupational therapy masters program! Hooray!

While the holidays are over, I wanted to document the decor I found to make my tiny little Philadelphia apartment festive for the season. First up, the tree!

 After a few nightmare experiences with live trees in small apartments, this year I finally settled on a pre-lit fake tree from target. I scored it just before Thanksgiving on a 50% off deal (a good tip if you are in the market next year, keep your eyes open for sales before thanksgiving!) and this baby was only $30! I consider myself a Christmas tree snob, so saying that I love this tree really holds some weight.

For ornaments this year I went with a monochromatic muted gold and silver color scheme. I found almost all of them at HomeGoods, with the exception of my basic balls and elongated santas (seen in top right corner) which came from Target.

I scored this statement tree topped from Pier 1. I LOVE this thing. It was also a steal at around $15 full price, but they always have great sales leading up to Christmas!

This little coffee table display is one of my favorite vignettes from the holidays. The pillar candles and candy tea light holders are from Pier 1, and the box and glass pillar holders are from Pottery Barn. I loved lighting up the candles in this display at night!

The pillows in the background were from Target. I loved their urban vibe, and I'm thinking the smaller beaded pillow will be good year round!

Over on the other side of the coffee table, I have to share with you these gorgeous homemade coasters I picked up at a local arts festival. Each coaster in the set is slightly unique and they are the best quality! Go check out the artists Etsy shop here!

One of my favorite holiday decorations that might stay up through the winter were the fairy lights I lined my three front windows with. I actually picked this idea up from the Mindy Project (Mindy does this in her supercool NYC apartment). I also hung a wreath from the middle window with a bit of chevron ribbon (not quite visible in this pic) and created a little greenery for the sill with a length of garland and a burlap ribbon from the Target dollar section.

Another little vignette I made up this season could be found under the tree. I loved these lanterns and this silver sparkly nutcracker that matched my ornaments on the tree!

On a corner of my kitchen countertop you could find this bath and body works owl luminary (recycled from my fall decorations) paired with a couple vintage mason jars (one held straws and the tall jar usually held wooden spoons. The spoons all happened to be dirty when I took these pics!) and a small wooden sign from Pier 1.

Finally, I was inspired to put this little display from a user on instagram (I wish I remembered her username!!). I stuck some Martha Stewart bottlebrush animal ornaments in HomeGoods apothecary jars with some kosher salt for snow. The display was all arranged on a mirrored tray from Target and accented with some fairy lights. So delightful!

I hope you all had as wonderful of a holiday season as I did! Wishing you health and happiness this 2015!

xoxo, Katie



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